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   Is There Any Hope for the Wallabies?

   There is hope for the wallabies. Times are changing. People are getting educated. The Robertsdale Wallaby Research Organization of Northwest Indiana is at the leading edge of wallaby conservation, having successfully vied for legislation protecting the species from further hunting and making it illegal to harm the species or molest it in any way, and are trying their hardest to get wallaby crossing signs posted around the busiest roadways to reduce casualties despite severe opposition from government officials. But there is much work to be done, and it cannot be done alone. We need to get the word out to help these endangered creatures before it is too late!

                 How can I help the wallabies?

How can you help the Robertsdale wallaby? Do not leave litter to blow into the woods where it may be mistaken by the animals as food and eaten, resulting in fatal intestinal compaction or internal bleeding, or leave cigarette butts on the beach, to be ingested by the animals and ultimately poisoning them. Do not leave bowls of antifreeze out on woodland trails for similar reasons. If you see a wallaby, resist the urge to run over it with your lawnmower or bludgeon it to death with a fireplace poker - more often than not such behavior has only a negative effect on this sensitive species. Instead, allow the creature to return to the woods. Most of all, however, to save these animals, we need to spread the word! Tell everyone you know! It is up to us to save the Robertsdale wallaby from extinction, and only by working together can we ever hope to succeed. If we do not do something, we will end up living in a world without wallabies, and future generations will never know of the beautiful, majestic creatures that once called their town home. This cannot be allowed to happen.

     Enlist to be a Wallaby Advocate today!

 We are their voice! Contact your local branch of the Robertsdale Wallaby Research Organization today to find out how!